Stained Glass Window After Alphonse Mucha motif

This remarkable piece marked the new beginning of my journey as a collector. It all started when my wife became interested in Noritake Porcelain and we began exploring Japanese surplus shops. One day, as we walked past the store entrance, I noticed a rack covered by a glass window that everyone else overlooked. Although the collectibles in the rack were reserved for the owner, I still decided to take a look. I didn’t find anything particularly interesting initially, but the light shining through the glass window caught my attention. I walked around the rack and saw a beautiful stained glass window depicting the “Morning Awakening” motif by Alphonse Mucha. I recognized the motif from my visits to Paris. My wife didn’t understand why I wanted the object, and it took me days to convince her to go back to the shop and get it.

Additional Details

Dimensions: Height 155 cm Width 60 cm

Material: Stained glass

Year: Vintage, probably 1970’s

Origin: Austria (allegedly)